Lectures, games, programs in English!

If you are here and interested in any scientific program, but don’t speak Hungarian, not to worry! We have a selection of English-speaking programs awaiting! Let’s dive in!

How did people in the Ancient Near East use plants in religious practices? Civilizations in this area were countless, some were living in harmony, others were fighting for control. Prosperity made it a fertile environment for mythology and religions. What religious practices do we know about? INTERESTED

How can we understand economic concepts via playing games? Participants of this lecture will learn about it by playing! You will be asked to make decisions that mimic real-life economic scenarios. Strategic thinking, cooperation and contribution. INTERESTED

Interesting lecture presenting a study on political study in Hungary. Data was gathered during a seven-week official campaign period and the aim was to help identifying the patterns of political nostalgia in the Facebook communications of Hungarian political forces that ran for European parliamentary seats in 2019. Qualitative content analysis and reception by the social media users is also included! INTERESTED

Are you interested in the fascinating world of science? Come, and be amazed how many interesting things awaits you! Early stage researcher of Marie Curie program’s ‘in3 project’, Viktória Király will be your guide. INTERESTED

2020. november 22.